This is a list of our current Type of Incidents that can be chosen for tickets, as well as the explanations for when they should be utilized. Updated 12/10/24.
Type of Incident | Notes |
Account Creation | Requests for account creation requests (such as for Zoom accounts, etc.) |
Account Permissions | Requests for account permission updates, such as for Raptor scanner system, adding permissions for printers, etc. |
Account Security Concern | Issues regarding the security of your account (such as, if you believe one or more of your accounts have been compromised). |
Add App/Extension | Requests to add an application/extension either to iPad, Google Chrome, Windows, etc. |
Alarm | Issues pertaining to alarm codes, alarms. |
Bells / Clock Speakers | Issues pertaining to the bells / clock speakers, paging system |
CAASPP / ELPAC / NNAT / Testing | Any assessment related issues |
Chromebook | For Chromebook replacements, or issues with Chromebooks. If requesting new Chromebooks, please use the Service Request form in FreshService. |
Chromebook - Additional | When requesting ADDITIONAL Chromebooks, not replacements, please use this TOI (for our tracking purposes). |
Contract Related | Should not be used in general, added for our own tracking purposes. |
COW | Issues with COWs (not working, wiring issues/reorganization requests, etc.) |
Document Camera | Issues pertaining to the document camera (not working, requests for replacement cables, etc.) |
Email Related | Issues relating to emails (not working as expected, setting updates, requests to add email addresses to different distribution lists). |
Event Support Requests | For requests to support events for the Technology Department. |
Frontline Scanner | Issues pertaining to the Frontline scanner (not working). |
General Troubleshooting | This can be used if there is an issue not listed here that you generally want guidance or assistance with. Mostly for internal tracking purposes. |
Google Account / Password | Issues with Google Account/ requests for password resets |
Hardware Install | Requests to install hardware (new monitors, phones, COW, printers, etc.) For hardware that is already existing, not requesting to be ordered. |
HR Service Requests | Should not be used in general, added for our own tracking purposes. |
Instructional Programs: Clever, Clever Apps, Curriculum | For any issues/requests pertaining to Instructional Programs, will be routed to Education Services. |
Infinite Campus | Issues or requests pertaining to Infinite Campus (access, password resets, various issues, etc.) |
iPad | Requests for already existing iPads (technical issues, request for iPad assignment for an old iPad, etc). |
iPad - Assignment | Specifically for requesting a SPED/Speech Therapy iPad purchased to be assigned. Not for general use. |
Linewize/Classwize | Issues or request relating to Linewize/Classwize, such as students bypassing content filtering/monitoring, Google Classroom not syncing, Linewize alert received, websites being blocked or unblocked etc. |
Network Drive Access | Requests to add network drives (such as the DoCommon, Health Services, etc.) |
Network Issues | Reporting issues with the network, internet connectivity, etc. |
Other/Unspecified | A catch-all for if you do not see your issue/request listed. |
PeopleSoft Password Reset | Requests to reset PeopleSoft passwords. Please include your employee ID and a phone number. |
Phone | Issues pertaining to phones (not powered on, extension not working, some hardware piece not working, etc.) |
Printer | Issues pertaining to printers (not printing correctly, need to connect to a new printer, etc.) |
Radio | Issues pertaining to radios (not working correctly, need a new radio, need a repair, etc.) |
Raptor | Issues pertaining to the Raptor system (can't login to Raptor account, system not working, etc.) |
Redirect | Not for general use--for internal reporting purposes. Will be used if an issue cannot be addressed by the Technology Department and should be redirected to another department/person. |
Report Cards | Issues/requests pertaining to report cards. |
School Website Update | Requests to update a school website. |
Service Outage | When a service outside of our control is down, such as Gmail issues or Raptor server issues. Mostly for reporting/internal use. |
Software | Issues with software installed on computer (not working as expected, running into a bug, etc.). For issues with Zoom, Microsoft Office, Ladibug, etc. |
Staff Computer | Issues relating to a staff Thinkpad/device, or requests for a new/replacement Thinkpad/device. |
Tech Pickup | Requests to pick up old/outdated/no longer operational technology. May also go through MOS if this is a significant amount of eWaste. |
Tech Purchasing | Requests to purchase technology (such as printers, monitors, phones, etc.) |
Verkada | Issues pertaining to the Verkada/vape sensors. |
Viewsonic Display / Projector | Issues pertaining to the ViewSonics (can't cast, sound not working, won't turn on, etc.) |
Windows Password Reset | Requests to reset the password used to login to staff devices. |