This is a list of our current Type of Incidents that can be chosen for tickets, as well as the explanations for when they should be utilized. Updated 12/10/24.

Type of Incident Notes
Account Creation Requests for account creation requests (such as for Zoom accounts, etc.)
Account Permissions Requests for account permission updates, such as for Raptor scanner system, adding permissions for printers, etc.
Account Security Concern Issues regarding the security of your account (such as, if you believe one or more of your accounts have been compromised).
Add App/Extension Requests to add an application/extension either to iPad, Google Chrome, Windows, etc.
Alarm Issues pertaining to alarm codes, alarms.
Bells / Clock Speakers Issues pertaining to the bells / clock speakers, paging system
CAASPP / ELPAC / NNAT / Testing Any assessment related issues
Chromebook For Chromebook replacements, or issues with Chromebooks. If requesting new Chromebooks, please use the Service Request form in FreshService.
Chromebook - Additional When requesting ADDITIONAL Chromebooks, not replacements, please use this TOI (for our tracking purposes).
Contract Related Should not be used in general, added for our own tracking purposes.
COW Issues with COWs (not working, wiring issues/reorganization requests, etc.)
Document Camera Issues pertaining to the document camera (not working, requests for replacement cables, etc.)
Email Related Issues relating to emails (not working as expected, setting updates, requests to add email addresses to different distribution lists).
Event Support Requests For requests to support events for the Technology Department.
Frontline Scanner Issues pertaining to the Frontline scanner (not working).
General Troubleshooting This can be used if there is an issue not listed here that you generally want guidance or assistance with. Mostly for internal tracking purposes.
Google Account / Password Issues with Google Account/ requests for password resets
Hardware Install Requests to install hardware (new monitors, phones, COW, printers, etc.) For hardware that is already existing, not requesting to be ordered.
HR Service Requests Should not be used in general, added for our own tracking purposes.
Instructional Programs: Clever, Clever Apps, Curriculum For any issues/requests pertaining to Instructional Programs, will be routed to Education Services.
Infinite Campus Issues or requests pertaining to Infinite Campus (access, password resets, various issues, etc.)
iPad Requests for already existing iPads (technical issues, request for iPad assignment for an old iPad, etc).
iPad - Assignment Specifically for requesting a SPED/Speech Therapy iPad purchased to be assigned. Not for general use.
Linewize/Classwize Issues or request relating to Linewize/Classwize, such as students bypassing content filtering/monitoring, Google Classroom not syncing, Linewize alert received, websites being blocked or unblocked etc.
Network Drive Access Requests to add network drives (such as the DoCommon, Health Services, etc.)
Network Issues Reporting issues with the network, internet connectivity, etc.
Other/Unspecified A catch-all for if you do not see your issue/request listed.
PeopleSoft Password Reset Requests to reset PeopleSoft passwords. Please include your employee ID and a phone number.
Phone Issues pertaining to phones (not powered on, extension not working, some hardware piece not working, etc.)
Printer Issues pertaining to printers (not printing correctly, need to connect to a new printer, etc.)
Radio Issues pertaining to radios (not working correctly, need a new radio, need a repair, etc.)
Raptor Issues pertaining to the Raptor system (can't login to Raptor account, system not working, etc.)
Redirect Not for general use--for internal reporting purposes. Will be used if an issue cannot be addressed by the Technology Department and should be redirected to another department/person.
Report Cards Issues/requests pertaining to report cards.
School Website Update Requests to update a school website.
Service Outage When a service outside of our control is down, such as Gmail issues or Raptor server issues. Mostly for reporting/internal use.
Software Issues with software installed on computer (not working as expected, running into a bug, etc.). For issues with Zoom, Microsoft Office, Ladibug, etc.
Staff Computer Issues relating to a staff Thinkpad/device, or requests for a new/replacement Thinkpad/device.
Tech Pickup Requests to pick up old/outdated/no longer operational technology. May also go through MOS if this is a significant amount of eWaste.
Tech Purchasing Requests to purchase technology (such as printers, monitors, phones, etc.)
Verkada Issues pertaining to the Verkada/vape sensors.
Viewsonic Display / Projector Issues pertaining to the ViewSonics (can't cast, sound not working, won't turn on, etc.)
Windows Password Reset Requests to reset the password used to login to staff devices.